Welcome to the CTAE Department!
Department Leaders
Career awareness in elementary school, career visualization in middle school and career preparation in high school are vital components of one's educational career. Clayton County Public Schools', Career, Technical and Agricultural Education (CTAE) program provides the interdisciplinary and technical skills to every student focused on attaining the knowledge and abilities that businesses and industries desire for high-demand, high-skilled, high-wage occupations.
Students who graduate from high school after successfully completing a CTAE "Career Pathway" are equipped for immediate employment, post-secondary education and life-long learning. In essence, students in CTAE are "college and career ready" - prepared to compete in the global marketplace.
It is recommended that these courses are taken in sequential order beginning in 9th grade to ensure students are pathway completers. Pathway completers are students who have completed the three required courses in our state's career pathways and eligible to attain an end-of-the-pathway assessment (EOPA) credential. An EOPA test-taker is a student who has completed three sequential/required courses in a career pathway and sat for an industry recognized exam to gain industry credentials or test results that prove competency in varied skills/trades; through test vendors such as: NOCTI, SkillsUSA, National Automotive Student Skills Standards Assessment.
North Clayton High School Pathways
1. Cosmetology Pathway
2. Entrepreneurship Pathway*
3. Teaching as a Profession Pathway
4. Marketing Pathway
5. Audio/Video and Film Technology Pathway
6. Aviation Flight Operations/Aviation Maintenance Pathway (TBD)
7. Emergency Medical Responder Pathway
8. Computer Science Pathway
Work-based Learning
Work-Based Learning
Work-Based Learning (WBL)
Work-Based Learning is a planned program of study that offers students in grades 11 and 12 an opportunity to work at a job site in a business in the community. Students engaged in the WBL program participate in one of the following areas: Employability Skill Development (ESD), Cooperative Education (COOP), Internships, Youth Apprenticeship Program (YAP) or Great Promise Partnership (GPP). Through WBL, students have the opportunity connect what they learn in school with work-site applications to enable a smooth transition into the workforce and/or education beyond high school.
Work-Based Learning placements represent the pinnacle of the Career-related education experience. Work-Based Learning provides students with the opportunity to learn a variety of skills by expanding the classroom into the community and narrowing the gap between theory and practice through rigorous academic preparation with hands-on career development experiences.
If you are interested in our Work-Based Learning Program, please contact our coordinator.
Dr. Willis Henry, WBL Coordinator (email: terri.willis-henry@clayton.k12.ga.us)
Career Pipeline Tool
Career Pipeline Tool
Georgia businesses need a skilled workforce, and every year, Georgia high schools are graduating talented students in need of meaningful career opportunities. In an effort to better connect those two groups, to the benefit of Georgia students and the overall economic health of the state, the Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE) and state partners are launching the Georgia Career Pipeline Tool, accessible at gacareerpipeline.gadoe.org.